Friday, January 30, 2009

Boy Among Men

Maybe how David felt? (post from my iPhone)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Best Is Yet To Come

There’s hope for today and hope for tomorrow. But…I’m somewhat drained, exhausted, jaded, and whipped. Thoughts are racing and racing fast. Reaching for just one and poof. It vanishes…as countless others race past. There’s no end and I’m out of shape. Nap time anyone?

Guess what? You’re not in this race alone. Sure…there’s doubts, fears, thoughts, and worries running wild. But, you’re not in this race alone. Sure…you may be drained, exhausted, jaded, and whipped. But, you’re not in this race alone. You may not even see a finish line. You ask…what’s a finish line? Do they truly exist? But, you’re not in this race alone. You may hopelessly look for a body…someone to talk to or relate with. But…yep, that’s right…you’re not in this race alone.

The writer of Hebrews says it best. Hebrews 6:18-19 notes, “Therefore, we who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” What does this text mean? Well…Jesus has your back and you’re not in this race alone.

There’s hope for today and hope for tomorrow. The best is yet to come! A simple post…but, one that’s dear and near to my heart. Until next time. Jed.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Numbers - Bears & Bulls

Who loves math? Come on now…don’t hide behind your desk, break into a sweat, or veer into a ditch if you’re driving and reading (naughty…naughty). I’ve been through Calculus 1, 2, and 3 and guess how much I remember. Actually, let’s not guess as it will only depress those who invested in a noteworthy education…me included.

Back to math…let’s look at some numbers from recent times. After all, it’s been quite a roller coaster the past couple of years. Hang on!

07/19/07 – Dow Jones closed above 14,000 for the first time in history. Wow! Shortly thereafter, the credit crunch hits and hits hard.

08/10/07 – Central banks coordinate efforts to increase liquidity. Billions. Yep…that’s Billions with a Big B.

08/16/07 – Countrywide Financial Corporation narrowly escapes bankruptcy with an emergency loan of $11 billion.

08/17/07 – The Federal Reserve cuts the discount rate to 5.75%.

Ok…let’s fast forward to 2008 and forget the dates and numbers as they make for poor reading. So, who made Santa’s naughty list?

§ Bear Sterns is history. Huh? They were only founded in 1923. So, they’ve never been through a downturn before. Right?
§ Indymac Bank is history.
§ Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are now federally operated and owned. Awesome!
§ Lehman Brothers is history. They were only a 158 year old company and financial pillar of America. No big deal.
§ Washington Mutual is history…although I still receive credit apps from them all the time.
§ AIG and Citigroup are saved from becoming history.
§ The stock market sucks and the discount rate is now at 0% as billions upon billions are injected into the markets.

Enough said on that topic. Let’s look at some numbers that never change…no matter who’s elected or what bear or bull claims the street.

1:18 – James says you are God’s choice possession.

3:22-23 – Lamentations says God’s love for you is endless and His mercies new every day.

4:13 – Philippians says you can do all things through Christ.

5:8 – Romans says Christ died for you while you were still a sinner.

17:8 – Psalms says you are the apple of God’s eye.

54:10 – Isaiah says God's unfailing love for you will never be broken and He has compassion for you.

119:76 – Psalms says God’s unfailing love will comfort you.

Pretty cool. So, replace the uncertain with the certain as it’s obvious that God cares and loves you. Until next time. Jed.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Did You Know

We live in a changing world. Don’t believe us…watch this video. Adapt, evolve, and reach a new generation for Christ. Until next time. FYBC.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Change For 2008, 2009, & Beyond

2008 may be marked by a simple word. Change! The mantra and motto of Barack Obama. And…it worked. The nation fell in love with change and Mr. Obama is now President Obama.

What's changed? Careers have changed. Families have changed. Markets have changed. Politics have changed. Travels have changed. Pepsi revamped their beloved blue, red, and white circle. Walmart is now followed by an asterisk or perhaps a sun burst. Does anyone truly know?

Once feared...change is now embraced and expected.

The plan of generations past was simple. Have fun in high school. Flirt with a draft and float through college. Then…pursue a factory. An anchor. A safe and stable career. Whether at factory x, y, or z. It was a defined paycheck. A fixed standard. Followed by a family, pension, and vacation. Topped off with some golf. This plan no longer exists. It has changed.

With 2009 on the doorstep…one thing remains constant. Change. How will the church respond? How will you respond?

What if Apple took a year off? Or…what if Google simply gave up? Would they be missed? Who would deliver the next iPhone or iPod? Who would continue the evolution and revolution of everything web? Why not you? If not you…that gal or guy a cubicle or two away will. Life will go on and a new Apple or Google will emerge. Nothing should be taken for granted. Remember? Change is now embraced and expected.

What an amazing opportunity for the church! We can change the belief and perception of culture. Instead of being known for what we are against…we can be known for what we are for. Instead of judgmental or just plain mental depending on the voice…we can be known for the love of Christ. John 3:17 notes, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” Now…that’s exciting! Until next time. FYBC.